Karl Robinson
January 22, 2020
Karl is CEO and Co-Founder of Logicata – he’s an AWS Community Builder in the Cloud Operations category, and AWS Certified to Solutions Architect Professional level. Knowledgeable, informal, and approachable, Karl has founded, grown, and sold internet and cloud-hosting companies.

Cloud Endure Disaster Recovery.
AWS has recently announced what amounts to an 80% price drop of their Cloud Endure disaster recovery software, used for replicating on premise workloads to the cloud for DR purposes. Prior to the price, drop, the list price for Cloud Endure was $45 -$99 per server per month, depending on number of servers and term commitment. The recent announcement has converted Cloud Endure to ‘on demand’ pricing of $0.028 per server per hour, which equates to around $20 per month. This price is comparable with Azure Site Recovery, which is priced at $25 per server per month, so it’s likely that this has influenced the AWS pricing strategy.
Of course it’s in AWS’ best interest to get as many customers using Cloud Endure as possible, as replicated workloads drive AWS consumption revenues. Cloud Endure is also used for migrating to AWS, where AWS offer the software free of charge for 3 months when migrating workloads to AWS. If you’re using Cloud Endure for DR to AWS, then in effect your migration is already part way done, so AWS will be keen to convert those DR environments to production to drive further increases in consumption revenue.
Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS).
AWS also announced a 50% price reduction for their Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS). The service is now priced at $0.10 per hour per Kubernetes cluster. This will not reduce the cost of an entire Kubernetes cluster, as you will still pay for EC2 resources consumed such as instances and EBS volumes, for which the prices have remained static for the time being.
This signals a container price war between Amazon, Microsoft and K8s creator Google, and shows that despite Amazon preferring to push their own Elastic Container Service (ECS) they are prepared to compete in the highly competitive Kubernetes space.
If you’re looking for other ways to reduce the cost of your AWS deployment, then Logicata’s AWS Cost Management service could help you reduce your overall AWS running costs by 30%.